Black Forest Cake



1. Preheat oven to 350F. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

2. Add remaining ingredients except boiling water, beat for about two minutes.

3. Stir in boiling water (batter will be thin, this is ok.)

4. Pour batter into two greased & floured 9-inch cake pans (or three 8-inch cake-pans.)

5. Bake at 350F for 30 to 35 minutes; test for whether the cakes are done or not by inserting the blade of a knife into the cake center - if gooey, wet batter sticks to the knife, the cake isn't done yet.

6. Remove from cake pans and let cool for a few minutes, then loosen from cake pans and remove cakes to plates or wire racks to cool.

7. Add Icing to cake and cherry pie filling if desired; cherry pie filling should be used between layers as well as spread on top of cake.

Icing for Black Forest Cake



1. Beat cream, sugar & vanilla extract until stiff. This may take upwards of ten minutes; the mixture will be very thin at first, this is ok. Keep refrigerated if made ahead of time.

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