Fatrat's BeOS Projects: HopalongSaver

HopalongSaver renders Hopalong fractals as a screensaver.

Current version: 0.20 -- 2003.09.27

Project notes...

2003.09.27 (v:0.20) -- I had made most of these changes awhile ago, just didn't get around to packaging this up for BeBits etc. until now... Minor code optimizations (pulled some system calls out of the main loop, did some pre-calculations, etc.), and added a configuration panel with a slider to control the delay between plots (and thus, the overall rendering speed.)

2003.01.19 (v:0.10) -- I was bored this evening and was sick of working on Perl web stuff, and this screensaver is the result. Very similar to the "Space Plants" screensaver available on IRIX and other UNIX OS's, part of the basic X screensaver package. This is already pretty much everything I wanted to do with the sceensaver, so I doubt I'll work on it more unless people find bugs with it.

I think there may be a bug with the test for when a new rgb color should be calculated, need to look into that.

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Email me with comments, etc. --> fatrat@fat-rat.com